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Rural Pursuits UK Ltd Terms & Conditions


The following are a list of the main terms and conditions that apply. All parties making a booking with the Rural Pursuits UK Ltd simulated clay shoot must accept the terms and conditions contained herein.




  1. The venue is Lower Farm, Poole Keynes, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6EG.

  2. The Rural Pursuits UK Ltd is a limited company and is registered at Lower Farm, Poole Keynes, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6EG.

  3. The Client – The individual, company or other who has signed the booking form on behalf of the party/individual.

  4. The Party – Includes shooting and non-shooting guests

  5. The cost of the day is as agreed with Rural Pursuits UK Ltd and confirmed to you in writing via the booking system.

  6. All booking are paid for at time of booking online unless agreed otherwise.




  1. Bookings will be secured upon the receipt of the payment online. Booking confirmations will be sent via the booking system, booking information can be found on our website.

  2. Rural Pursuits UK Ltd reserves the right to the balance for any no show on a booked day. If for unforeseen circumstances, the day is no longer possible for guests and notice is given to Rural Pursuits UK Ltd seven days or more prior, you will be given the option to take an alternative date. Rural Pursuits UK Ltd reserves the right to claim all reasonable costs for a day cancelled by the booking party.

  3. Bookings must be paid for in full at the time of booking. Rural Pursuits UK Ltd reserves the right to make an additional charge for late payments of 10 percent of the total invoiced cost of the day if payments terms are agreed out with the booking system. E.g. waiting list pay in person setup due to last minute cancelations.




  1. Payments are made online at time of booking using available methods.

  2. In cash prior to the event commencing if an on the day payment has been agreed.


Participation and Attendance


  1. By making a booking for the shoot or attending the shoot you accept these terms and conditions.

  2. Rural Pursuits UK Ltd reserves the right to full discretion as to whether to permit the use of its own vehicles for transporting customers. Customers must therefore ensure that they arrange their own transport for the day.

  3. The day will commence at 9.00am (unless otherwise specified) at Lower Farm, Poole Keynes, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6EG, (

  4. You will need to register at the shooting lodge and will be required to fill in a self-certification form with name address and next of kin details. All guests/customers will be required to read and sign a disclaimer prior to commencing the event.

  5. You will also need to sign to verify that you have read and agree to follow all health and safety regulations specified.

  6. Shot gun licences and copies of current membership to BASC, CPSA or other Rural Pursuits UK Ltd approved shooting insurance organisations are required by each participant, unless it has been declared that that guest is a novice and will be under supervision of another guest who meets all the required criteria.




  1. Upon cancellations or a reduction in numbers to the party, the deposit paid is non refundable

  2. All cancellations /reductions in numbers to the party should be notified as soon as possible by phone or email to Rural Pursuits UK Ltd

  3. Any cancellations within 15 days of the activity will result in the client being held liable for the full cost of the day.

  4. Rural Pursuits UK Ltd have the right to postpone and/or rearrange the event for an alternative date at the customer’s convenience.


Shotguns, Cartridges and Attendance


  1. Rural Pursuits UK Ltd reserves the right to refuse a customer entry to the property and grounds and therefore cancel their booking should they attend with the incorrect or prohibited firearms.

  2. Only double barrel over and under or side by side shotguns are permitted for use on simulated game days, no semi-automatic and pump action shotguns are to be used. Semi-automatic shotguns can be used on competition days.

  3. The shotguns used must be 12 gauge or smaller.

  4. Single gun use only but guests are permitted to have loaders.

  5. Fibre wad only cartridges to be used. All cartridges used at Rural Pursuits UK for simulated game will have a maximum load of 28g (1oz) and maximum shot size No7.5 (and be felt/ fibre wadded only)

  6. All persons must wear eye and ear protection and a hat when shooting or standing close to an active shooting peg.

  7. All uncertified shooters to be properly supervised by an authorized person, throughout the shoot and receive instruction before handling any gun, such uncertified shooters must inform the safety officer at the beginning of the day.

  8. Rural Pursuits UK Ltd reserved the right to refuse participation to a party if they believe may at any material time in respect to the day be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Basic Shotgun Safety Requirements


A shotgun is dangerous, unless handled and loaded with safety in mind. Please ensure you read and understand the information below, if unsure about anything please ask your host for clarification.

These requirements will be discussed in the safety briefing given by your host at the start of the day.


  • Always treat a shotgun as loaded until proven otherwise, forgetfulness, assumption and miscommunication can result in an injury or fatality.

  • Always carry shotguns empty and open preferably over arm.

  • An empty shotgun should only be closed when putting it in a case, rack, or slip. These are the only times when even an unloaded shotgun should be closed.

  • Muzzle awareness- never point a shotgun not even an unloaded one towards another person, other people have no way of knowing if the gun is loaded or not.

  • Never mix different gauge cartridges in your pocket or cartridge bag

  • Before you load your shotgun, look through the barrels and check that they are unobstructed.

  • If the gun misfires point the muzzle down the range and wait 25 seconds before opening it

  • Always check that barrels are clear after a soft or unusual discharge

  • Never leave a shotgun leaning against a tree or a wall

  • Never leave a shotgun unattended on the day

  • Never load a shotgun until you are on the stand or in the safety cage an obvious safety requirement to prevent danger to bystanders and accidental discharge in the directions of others.

  • Never close a shotgun until it’s your turn to shoot and you are ready

  • Never turn towards other people with a loaded shotgun or when closing the shotgun.

  • Always point a loaded shotgun down the range

  • If the stand has no shooting enclosure take care not to swing the shotgun around towards people

  • The gun must be opened and emptied before stepping off the stand

  • Where the guns stand in a line with other guns cartridges are to be loaded and unloaded upon the hosts command.

  • If there is a problem (other than a misfire) or if a No target is called open the shotgun. If you have to clear a shotgun, shoot down range, not at the ground or near the trap house.

  • Open and unload the shotgun before leaving the stand or when moving between stands.




  1. Clay shooting is an outdoor activity that is participated in right throughout the year. For your best enjoyment you should wear suitable clothing for the time of the year. You will be outdoors away from shelter for possibly several hours, so shower proof clothing, umbrellas, and waterproof footwear etc. are all essential. We recommend a hat or cap both to shield your face from bits of the broken targets and to keep the sun/rain out of your eyes.


Disclaimers and Insurance 


  1. A disclaimer must be signed prior to participating in any shooting activities. It is paramount that the participants recognise that there is an element of risk associated with shooting. Whilst every care and attention is taken to ensure the participants safety each party will have to sign a disclaimer stating that they accept that there are risks involved in these activities and that they accept no liability against Rural Pursuits UK Ltd in the circumstances of an accident during the day. Rural Pursuits UK Ltd limits its liability to the fullest extent permitted by law for any loss or injury caused. Nothing in this disclaimer will exclude or limit any warranty implied by the law that it would be unlawful to exclude or limit and nothing in this disclaimer will exclude or limit Rural Pursuits UK Ltd liability in respect of any

  • Death or personal injury caused by Rural Pursuits UK Ltd

  • Fraud or Fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of Rural Pursuits UK Ltd

  • Matter which it would be illegal or unlawful for Rural Pursuits UK Ltd to exclude or limit, or attempt or purport to exclude or limit its liability

  • Whilst it’s not mandatory it’s advisable to arrange your own personal injury insurance

  • These limitations of liability apply even if the Rural Pursuits UK Ltd has been expressly advised of the potential loss

  • For the purposes of the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 or 1984 and in the respect to any other statutory or common law claim that you might bring in respect to your use of the land the day takes place on and in connection to your attendance that thereat you agree that you will only claim against Rural Pursuits UK Ltd.


No Warranties


  • Rural Pursuits UK Ltd makes no representations or warranties in relation to the content of the website or the information and materials provided within these terms and conditions


  • You agree that the exclusion and limitations of liability set out In the disclaimer are reasonable

  • If you do not think they are reasonable, you must not participate in the day

Unforeseeable Provisions  

  • Any provisions of the terms and conditions that are deemed unreasonable will not affect the enforceability of the other provisions.




You hereby indemnify Rural Pursuits UK Ltd and undertake to keep Rural Pursuits UK Ltd indemnified against any losses, damage, costs, liabilities and expenses (including without limitation legal expenses and any amounts paid by Rural Pursuits UK Ltd to a third party in settlement of a claim or dispute on the advice of Rural Pursuits UK Ltd legal advisors) incurred or suffered by Rural Pursuits UK Ltd arising out of any breech by you of any provision of these terms and conditions, or arising out of any claim that you have breached any provision of these terms and conditions.

Breaches of these Terms and Conditions

Without prejudice to Rural Pursuits UK Ltd other rights under these terms and conditions if you breach these terms and conditions in any way, Rural Pursuits UK Ltd may take such action as Rural Pursuits UK Ltd deems appropriate to deal with the breach including prohibiting or excluding access to the day and or bringing court proceedings against you.


Rural Pursuits UK Ltd will have a shoot host responsible for safety present on all simulated game days and this person will be identified to the party in the morning safety briefing.

Rural Pursuits UK Ltd will have at least one trained First Aider in attendance on each day. This person/persons will be identified to the party before the day commences. First aid kits are kept in the Shoot lodge and will be taken out on the day also.


Rural Pursuits UK Ltd may revise these terms and conditions from time to time please check this regularly.

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